Indigenous people
Sawaddikap….. This week I want to talk about the indigenous people. As we know… these people are very unique and have mystic customs. Hum… for sure I will let you know about the indigenous people lived in Amazon-Indians.
Who are indigenous people?
The indigenous people can be describe any ethnic group of people who inhibit a geographic region with which they have the earliest known historical

connection, alongside the more resents immigrants who have populated the region and may be greater in number.
The indigenous people in Amazon
As we know…... rainforest are bursting with life. There are many and many types of species of plants and animal live in rainforest, but not only that… people also live in the rainforest as their home…. Besides that, indigenous or native have lived in there for long times ago. . Many of these original peoples, such as the Cribs (after whom the Caribbean Sea is named) have disappeared completely. Others are only scattered remnants of what they once were. Various indigenous people of the Amazon are represented, including the Matis, Matsés-Mayoruna, Huaorani, Bora, Shipibos, Yagua, Marubo, Ticuna, Kayapó, Suyá, and Xingu Amazonian native tribes. Various ceremonies and rituals are illustrated, most importantly the Ceremony of Mariwin, Matsés-Mayoruna Poison Frog Ceremony, Dance of Queixada, Ritual of Capybara, Ticuna Indian Girl Puberty Rite of Passage, Marubo Ceremony of Aco, and the Kuarup (Kwarup) Ceremony of the Dead. Amazon is covered, as well as hunting with blowguns and curare.
In my questions, how do their lived? Ho3… let me answer that….
Although some indigenous people live

much as we do, others still live much as did their ancestors thousands of years before them. These communities organize their daily lives differently than our culture. Their food, medicines and clothing come primarily from the forest. Besides hunting, gathering wild foods and fishing, the indigenous people also plant small gardens for the other sources of foods. They used method called shifting cultivation to plant their crops. Let me explain further about the shifting method.... first they clear a small area of land and burn it, and then they plant their crops to be used for food and medicines. After a few years later, the soil has become too poor to allow for more crops to grow and they move to a nearby unclear area. This land traditionally allowed regrowing for 10-50 years before it is farmed again. How the indigenous people doing to save their territory? Indigenous groups are beginning to fight for their land, most often through peaceful demonstrations. Such actions may cause them to be arrested or even to lose their lives, but they know that if they take no action, their land and culture could be lost forever.